Coaching SAT_ACT

“Dream Big. Start Small. ACT Now.”


SAT is a standardized test for college admissions in the United States. It is an acronym for Scholastic Aptitude Test or Scholastic Assessment Test. It serves as a benchmark assessment for students in the areas of critical reading, mathematical reasoning, and writing skills. It is one of the most recognized test scores for the college admissions process and is an entrance ticket to various institutions in the United States.

Additionally, it is administered by College Board. Likewise, the ACT, American College Testing, is another standardized test for college admissions in the United States. It is equivalent to the SAT and is accepted by all colleges as a method for measuring a student’s aptitude. The ACT has become popular with 59% of high school graduates in 2016 taking and submitting this exam. It is administered by ACT incorporation.

The SAT and ACT have many similarities, in that they both test sections on mathematics, critical reading and writing, including an optional essay. However, the ACT also includes a science reasoning test, which is aimed to assess students on problem solving skills rather than scientific knowledge. Although both tests are very similar in format and style, they are graded differently. Because both tests are accepted by colleges, students have the opportunity to choose which test they are better suited to.

Coaching Program

The North South Foundation SAT/ACT program is an online coaching program with an objective to augment North South Foundation students in getting admitted to the top universities. The coaches will review the necessary concepts and will guide the students on the strategies & techniques to take the SAT or ACT test. Extensive coaching will be provided to assist the students in all 3 sections of SAT and ACT comprising of critical reading, writing and mathematics. Better results are guaranteed if the students follow the program with due diligence and practice. The course is an entirely online program that uses an Internet based classroom tool, for the sessions. The students require a computer, high speed Internet connection, a headset and a microphone.

The North South Foundation SAT/ACT program is a 16 week course starts from September and ends in March of following year. The students and teachers meet once in a week in a virtual classroom. The program allows the students to register for the class at a convenient timing to balance their other activities. The weekly class duration is 3 hours: 1.5 hours for English and 1.5 hours for Math. The material covered is consistent with the College Board and ACT guidelines. There is homework every week, and the students are expected to finish it on a timely basis. The answers must be entered online so that the homework can be graded.

Preparation for these two exams can be started early on. For that reason we also have a junior program for middle schoolers. Please see the eligibility criteria below.


The eligibility criteria for participation is as follows:

  • Junior: grades 6, 7, 8
    Many parents send their children to summer programs offered by universities for talented children. The Junior level prepares the children for special programs such as the Johns Hopkins University CTY program, Duke University TIP program.
  • Senior: grades 9, 10, 11

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