Young Changemakers

General Info

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela

Young Changemakers Initiative:

The Young Changemakers Initiative (YCI) is an initiative of North South Foundation, to consciously support the journey of changemaking in the youth of NorthSouth and beyond. The initiative came into effect in April 2019 as a result of our collaboration with Ashoka, to make empathy and young changemaking become a priority of the Foundation.

Vision of YCI:

To promote excellence in empathy along with education. To encourage the concept of changemaking in the youth of NorthSouth and beyond. To see every young individual to bring about change in their community for the betterment of humanity.

About the Young Changemakers of NorthSouth:

The Young Changemakers of NorthSouth(YCNS) are young minds ranging from elementary to high school, passionate about making a difference in the world. We are fortunate to be supported by YCI and have had the opportunity to attend webinars where we learnt the tools for our changemaking journey. Once we have identified our individual passion areas we embarked on our individual changemaking journeys to bring change in our local communities.

Some of our projects have included supporting the elderly, inspiring the young and motivating the community towards healthy living and exercise, bringing in STEM education and projects to underserved school districts, decreasing homelsssness, providing refurbished devices and many more.

As we were approached during the pandemic we collaborated for the initiative “Devices for Education”. We started off with a group of eight YCNS members but as we reached our community through our campaign, we inspired more young minds to join the cause. We currently are a group of twenty YCNS members in the team.