Coaching Universal Values

Universal Values Program

North South Foundation is offering a unique online coaching program that is based on values that are universal in nature and can be applied by each individual of any age, gender, culture, country, or religion. The program lays a strong foundation on values and practicing these values will help the chilfren grow up to be considerate, kind and happy individuals, developing harmony within. The universal values of kindness, respect, sincerity and compassion are appreciated by everybody, and are the keys to lasting friendship and harmonious relationships.

The coaches are facilitators who would lead a discussion of a new value every 2 weeks. The coaching sessions will provide insights and help build values of truth, peace, empathy, ethics, accountability, selflessness, tolerance, and security.


  • UV101: All New Students. Past UV101 or UV201 students can retake.
  • UV201: Any Student who has undergone UV101 or UV201 in the past.
  • UV301: Any Student who has undergone UV201 in the past.


  • Junior: Grades 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Intermediate: Grades 5, 6, 7, 8
  • Senior: Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

Duration: 16 weeks


UV 101UV201UV301
Listen carefully with full attentionReview the Values from 101Review the Values from 101
Eating habits and healthy foodThink before you actReview the Values from 201
Exercise – Keep your body and mind fitBe gratefulPerform selfless service
Maintain cleanlinessRespect timePerform acts of kindness
Use only what you needBe accountableWork hard with full attention
Explore natureManage emotionsTreat others as equal to you
Observe without judgementEndure difficult experiencesDo not hurt others
Seek feedback from othersHave unflinching commitmentRespect nature

Application of Skills

Children will apply these values in every facet of their lives, at school, at study, at play, amongst friends to make smart choices - ones that are governed by a strong moral compass. As they grow up to be adults these core set of values that they have been trained on and practiced through their formative years will help them be strong, individuals with strong sense of self-worth, accountability, care and respect towards others, confidence and ultimately determine their happiness and success.

Please email [email protected] for any additional questions.