Brain Bee

Event Date : Dec 23, 2020

Event Time : 07:50:00 pm Eastern

Event Name :Meet Our Brain Bee PROs

Presenter(s) : Desi Vijay

Recording Link :

The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. This three-pound organ is responsible for our intelligence, interpreting sensation, initiating body movement, and controlling human behavior. Scientists have studied the workings for hundreds of years but there is much more to be learned about it.

With the Brain Bee online coaching program, students will learn the fundamental neuroscience concepts. Using this foundation, they will be able to delve into more advanced material as they progress through their neuroscience journey. At NorthSouth, our outlook and belief is that the Brain Bee will provide an additional enrichment to our children’s academic life and better prepare them for scientific careers.

Brain Bee is a neuroscience competition that tests students on their knowledge of the brain and the nervous system. The Brain Bee contest is based mainly off the Brain Facts book, which provides students with a thorough understanding of the basics of the brain from anatomy, synaptic signaling, brain development, nervous system disorders, brain imaging techniques, and more. Competitions take place at the state, national, and international levels and include written multiple-choice questions and oral rounds.

Posted on December 29, 2020