Science Bee

Event Date : Feb 06, 2021

Event Time : 06:30:00 am Eastern

Event Name :SSC Senior Science Bee Online Workshop

Presenter(s) : Anbu ponniah

Recording Link :Click Here

NorthSouth believes science is a field of study which encourages curiosity and instills a sense of innovation in children. Science is a prose that has tons of potential and when proper knowledge is taught to children, there is nothing one cannot discover. In order to flourish and support this philosophy, the Science Bee was introduced in 2010 by NorthSouth. The competition provides enrichment to children’s’ academic life and serves as a platform for preparation of the future: careers in STEM. Furthermore, the Science Bee inspires and nurtures a student’s curiosity and enhances understanding and reasoning behind science among students in grades 1 through 8.

Of many fields of study, science is one that truly cannot be limited. For that reason, NorthSouth’s coaching program is on an inquiry basis. Each week a different topic is presented; the coach will explain the basics of the topic with ample information, then also touch on more advanced concepts. Based on that, the children learn to ask questions and seek answers themselves by conducting their own experiments employing the scientific method. Over the 15 weeks of the program, the students accumulate knowledge on a broad range of topics. As they are encouraged to do experiments, they will also discuss their observations and share their findings with fellow students during the last session through a research report. All in all, through fostering curiosity and never-ending interest in science, concepts are explored, as outlined in the syllabus for junior, intermediate, and senior levels.

The Science coaching session will run typically for 15 weeks with a 2 hour weekly session. There is no standard homework schedule for this subject, but that may vary from coach to coach. Generally, coaches may send the student links to explore topics covered in class and watch videos to more easily grasp the concepts.

Posted on December 29, 2020